Favorite Dogs

Australian Shepherd

Australian Shepherds are one of my favorite dogs ever. I love how their fur coats look, especially the merle ones. They're very intelligent, good-natured and affectionate dogs. They're also great family pets and get along with both children and other dogs. I really like them because of how pretty and friendly they are. Out of the 5 listed here they're probably the ones I like the most!

Border Collie

Border Collies are such awesome dogs! They're very athletic, energetic and intelligent. Their fur coats also come in a variety of colors and I like the merle and black and white ones the most. They're also very affectionate with their families which is so lovely. I'm not sure when I first found out about these dogs but I know they've been a long time favorite of mine.


Before making this I had no clue Mudis existed! I just found out about them while I was looking through the different dog breeds and these dogs are so lovely! They are extremely versatile, intelligent, alert and agile animals. They're also very rare dogs which is probably why I've never heard of them before this. I would love to have one of these dogs when I grow older they just look so cool!


Pomeranians are so cute! They're super tiny and have a big fluffy coat which is one of my favorite things ever. They're very playful, lively and friendly with their families. These dogs are classified as toy dog breeds because of their small size. My sister and I both really like these types of dogs so maybe I can convince her to get us one in the future.

Golden Retriever

I love Golden Retrievers so much!! They are one of the more popular breeds but I still love them. They're so playful, outgoing, energetic and trustworthy which are all lovely qualities. They're also super easy to train and very good guide dogs! I know I might be called basic for having these dogs on the list but nothing can go wrong with being simple.